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Поможите ! Рейтинг для песен PHP (оптимизировать)


wwc @wwc
Уважаемые форумчане !

Не являясь большим докой в области РНР программирования, очень прошу помощи в подгонке, и разъяснении установки ниже приложенного кода к SAM Broadcaster 4.9.0 . Просмотрев дирректорию PHP программы, увидел, что структуры файлов расходятся координально.



# #
# This script was written by Paul MacArthur: ********** #
# You are allowed to use this script freely on your website, but it is not #
# to be sold or distributed to any other broadcaster, website, person or #
# entity. To aquire the most recent version of this script, please visit: #
# #
# ********** #
# #
# In addition, please do not remove the credits and website URL provided in #
# this section. Would very much appreciate that! #
# #
# Suggestions, comments and feedback: webmaster@celticradio.net #
# #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# #
# ---------------------------- #
# #
# The purpose of this script is to allow for a cookie based rating system #
# that works in conjunction with the PHP template provided via the SAM #
# broadcaster by Spacial Audio. It has been tested with SAM V3 and above. #
# #
# Listeners can rate a song once every 24 hours and only when that song is #
# playing on your broadcast. Some broadcasters have chosen to only allow #
# one rating per song, but we believe that giving our listeners the #
# ability to rate a song multiple times over time will create a #
# better broadcast by playing the songs listeners want to hear. #
# #
# Not only does this script provide a rating system, but it also adds #
# weight to a song that is rated based on the following formula: #
# #
# Rating of 5 add 5 to the weight. #
# Rating of 4 add 3 to the weight. #
# Rating of 2.5 add 0 to the weight. #
# Rating of 1 add -3 to the weight. #
# Rating of 0 add -5 to the weight. #
# #
# Additionally, your listeners will be able to see the current rating and #
# weight of the song upon a successful rating via a pop-up web page. #
# #
# Because of buffering issues with web radio, sometimes the song playing #
# will not match what shows on your website - it could be off by 5 seconds #
# or 20 seconds. Therefore, we have built in a check that prevents rating #
# a song that does not match what is currently playing on your broadcast. #
# #
# #
# Place this script in with the other PHP template files provided by SAM. #
# View the CopyCode.txt file to easily grab the code. Copy all graphic #
# files to appropriate locations. #
# #
# Add the following javascript code to your header file (header.php): #
# #
# <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> #
# #
# function ratesong(rating, songid) #
# { #
# var ratesong; #
# if (ratesong) { #
# ratesong++; #
# } #
# else { #
# ratesong=0; #
# } #
# ratesong = window.open("./ratesong.php?rating="+rating+"&checkid=" #
# +songid, "ratesongwin", "location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars #
# =no,resizeable=yes,height=305,width=290"); #
# } #
# </script> #
# #
# The following HTML snipets should be placed on the page that your #
# listeners will actually rate the song. I have also provided the HTML #
# code to display the current rating of a song using the include star.gif #
# graphic set. #
# #
# #
# <? $songid = $song['songid']; ?> #
# <form name="rateform" > #
# <select style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; #
# font-size: 10px; line-height: 150%; " name = "rate" #
# onchange="if ((rate.value>=0) && (rate.value<6)) {ratesong(rate.value, #
# <?echo $songid; ?>); rate.disabled=true; }"> #
# <option value = "9" selected>Rate this song! #
# <option value = "5">Love it! #
# <option value = "4">Like it #
# <option value = "2.5">It's OK #
# <option value = "1">Don't Like it #
# <option value = "0">Dump It! #
# <option value = "9">Cancel #
# </select> #
# </form> #
# #
# #
# <span><b>Rating:&nbsp;</b> #
# <? #
# if ($song['rating'] == 0) { #
# $rating_image = "stars-0-0.gif"; #
# } #
# #
# if (($song['rating'] > 0) && ($song['rating'] < 1)) { #
# $rating_image = "stars-0-5.gif"; #
# } #
# #
# if (($song['rating'] >= 1) && ($song['rating'] < 1.5)) { #
# $rating_image = "stars-1-0.gif"; #
# } #
# #
# if (($song['rating'] >= 1.5) && ($song['rating'] < 2)) { #
# $rating_image = "stars-1-5.gif"; #
# } #
# #
# if (($song['rating'] >= 2) && ($song['rating'] < 2.5)) { #
# $rating_image = "stars-2-0.gif"; #
# } #
# #
# if (($song['rating'] >= 2.5) && ($song['rating'] < 3)) { #
# $rating_image = "stars-2-5.gif"; #
# } #
# #
# if (($song['rating'] >= 3) && ($song['rating'] < 3.5)) { #
# $rating_image = "stars-3-0.gif"; #
# } #
# #
# if (($song['rating'] >= 3.5) && ($song['rating'] < 4)) { #
# $rating_image = "stars-3-5.gif"; #
# } #
# #
# if (($song['rating'] >= 4) && ($song['rating'] < 4.5)) { #
# $rating_image = "stars-4-0.gif"; #
# } #
# #
# if (($song['rating'] >= 4.5) && ($song['rating'] < 5)) { #
# $rating_image = "stars-4-5.gif"; #
# } #
# #
# if ($song['rating'] >=5 ) { #
# $rating_image = "stars-5-0.gif"; #
# } #
# ?> #
# <img src="<? echo "$rating_image"; ?>" width="64" height="12"/> #
# </span> #
# #
# #
# #
# The only changes required to the PHP template system provided by #
# Spacial Audio is the FUNCTIONS.PHP file located in common directory: #
# #
# Add the following to the definitions section: #
# #
# Def($song["rating"],$song["rating"]); #
# Def($song["num_ratings"],$song["num_ratings"]); #
# #
# Included with this script are the stars.gif graphic set to display #
# stars on your website and also a graphic file to display "na.gif" when #
# there is no album cover available. #
# #
# Please note that on CelticRadio.net we use a thumbnail version(100x100) #
# to display a smaller version of the album cover in the rating script. #
# You may need to adjust the pop-up size of the webpage to adjust to the #
# standard size you use for displaying album covers. #
# #
# Any questions at all on installing this script, ways to make it better #
# or just to say "Hello", give me a shout at webmaster@celticradio.net. #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #


$db->open("SELECT songlist.*, historylist.listeners as listeners, historylist.requestID as requestID, historylist.date_played as starttime FROM historylist,songlist WHERE (historylist.songID = songlist.ID) AND (songlist.songtype='S') ORDER BY historylist.date_played DESC LIMIT 6");
$history = $db->rows();

$db->open("SELECT songlist.*, queuelist.requestID as requestID FROM queuelist, songlist WHERE (queuelist.songID = songlist.ID) AND (songlist.songtype='S') AND (songlist.artist <> '') ORDER BY queuelist.sortID ASC LIMIT 4");
$queue = $db->rows();

list($key, $song) = each($history);
$listeners = $song["listeners"];

$rating = urlencode($_GET['rating']);
$checkid = urlencode($_GET['checkid']);

if ($rating == 5) $weight_add = 5;
if ($rating == 4) $weight_add = 3;
if ($rating == 2.5) $weight_add = 0;
if ($rating == 1) $weight_add = -3;
if ($rating == 0) $weight_add = -5;

$new_weight = $song["weight"] + $weight_add;
if ($new_weight > 100) $new_weight = 100;
if ($new_weight < 0) $new_weight = 1;

if (($new_weight > 0) && ($new_weight < 10)) $rotation = "No Rotation";
if (($new_weight > 9) && ($new_weight < 20)) $rotation = "Rare Rotation";
if (($new_weight > 19) && ($new_weight < 40)) $rotation = "Light Rotation";
if (($new_weight > 39) && ($new_weight < 60)) $rotation = "Medium Rotation";
if (($new_weight > 59) && ($new_weight < 80)) $rotation = "Heavy Rotation";
if (($new_weight > 79) && ($new_weight < 101)) $rotation = "Power Hit";

if (isset($_COOKIE[$song['songID']])) {
$message = "<b>ERROR:</b> Sorry, only one rating<br>per song every 24 hours!";
else {
if ($song['songID'] == $checkid) {
$message = "Song successfuly weighted & rated!";
if ($song['num_ratings'] == 0) {
$query = "update songlist set rating = $rating, num_ratings = 1, total_rating = $rating, weight = $new_weight WHERE ID = ".$song['songID']."";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$song['num_ratings'] = 1;
$song['rating'] = $rating;
$rating = 0;
setcookie($song['songID'], $song['title'], time()+86400); }
else {
$num_ratings = $song['num_ratings'];
$num_ratings = $num_ratings + 1;
$total_rating = $song['total_rating'] + $rating;
$new_rating = $total_rating/$num_ratings;
$song['num_ratings'] = $num_ratings;
$query = "update songlist set rating = $new_rating, num_ratings = $num_ratings, total_rating = $total_rating, weight = $new_weight WHERE ID = ".$song['songID']."";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$song['rating'] = round($new_rating, 1);
$new_rating = 0;
setcookie($song['songID'], $song['title'], time()+86400);
} else {
$song['title'] = "N/A";
$song['artist'] = "N/A";
$song['rating'] = 0;
$song['picture_tb'] = "";
$song['num_ratings'] = 0;
$message = "<b>ERROR:</b> Rating failed. Next song is loading...";


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

<title>Song Rating - <? echo $song['title']; ?></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?echo "$styleSheet"; ?>"/>
<body style="background-color:#e4e8dd">

<div id ='small' align='center'>
<img src='songrating.gif' />
<b>Artist:</b>&nbsp;<? echo $song['artist']; ?><br>
<b>Song:</b> <? echo $song['title']; ?><br><br>

if ($song['rating'] == 0) {
$rating_image = "stars-0-0.gif";

if (($song['rating'] > 0) && ($song['rating'] < 1)) {
$rating_image = "stars-0-5.gif";

if (($song['rating'] >= 1) && ($song['rating'] < 1.5)) {
$rating_image = "stars-1-0.gif";

if (($song['rating'] >= 1.5) && ($song['rating'] < 2)) {
$rating_image = "stars-1-5.gif";

if (($song['rating'] >= 2) && ($song['rating'] < 2.5)) {
$rating_image = "stars-2-0.gif";

if (($song['rating'] >= 2.5) && ($song['rating'] < 3)) {
$rating_image = "stars-2-5.gif";

if (($song['rating'] >= 3) && ($song['rating'] < 3.5)) {
$rating_image = "stars-3-0.gif";

if (($song['rating'] >= 3.5) && ($song['rating'] < 4)) {
$rating_image = "stars-3-5.gif";

if (($song['rating'] >= 4) && ($song['rating'] < 4.5)) {
$rating_image = "stars-4-0.gif";

if (($song['rating'] >= 4.5) && ($song['rating'] < 5)) {
$rating_image = "stars-4-5.gif";

if ($song['rating'] >=5 ) {
$rating_image = "stars-5-0.gif";

<img src="<? if ($song['picture']) {echo $song['picture'];} else { echo "na.gif";} ?>" align="center" /><br>
<img src="<? echo "$images"; ?><? echo "$rating_image"; ?>" align="center" />
<? if ($song['num_ratings'] == 0) {echo "Not Rated Yet";} ?><br>
<b>Current Rating:</b> <? echo $song['rating']; ?>/5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b># of Ratings:</b> <? echo $song['num_ratings']; ?>
<b>Broadcast Weight:</b> <? echo $new_weight."% - ".$rotation; ?><br><br>
<? echo $message; ?>

Отредактировано wwc - 22.08.2013